Unlocking the Love
Paris will set your love free!
Millions had flocked from the four corners of the world to seal their love on a Paris bridge. It was like a pilgrimage, in a society increasingly devoid of rituals. It was marvelous, in a way, to imagine such a concentration of love in one place. Behind every bond was a beautiful story, because wherever there is love--no matter how fleeting--there is beauty. Something like unto a moment of radiant sunshine on a dark and cloudy day.
Over time, with lock upon lock, and lock upon lock upon lock, there was simply no room left for love locks on Paris bridges. They came to look like tumerous growths, transforming the elegant Pont des Arts into a recycling heap. Locals began to protest. City officials began to worry about bridges collapsing under the excessive weight of thousands of metal locks. Associations were formed to lobby the city to outlaw the love locks.
Outlaw love locks? Do they not know that lovers will transgress any law and brave any danger in the name of love? Imagine the bridges patrolled by police squads eying potential violators. Imagine the police putting hand-cuffs on red-handed love lockers!
Like a torrent, nothing can stop love. It can only be channeled.
No doubt, the time had come to put an end to love locks in Paris, but not by coercion. A new metaphor was needed. A new metaphor, indeed a new ritual, to seal the sacred bond within lovers’ hearts and give their love wings to soar above that place of eternal enchantment called Paris.
What could that new metaphor be? What new ritual?
It's yours to invent, but we'd like to play a role in bringing about change. Do you have any ideas to share? You can leave these as comments on this blog entry or on our Facebook page. You can also send drawings or media content to communication@paris-sharing.com. When we have collected enough interesting ideas, we'll put them on a single "whiteboard" or other presentation document, to be shared and enriched. We will also make a selection and organize a popularity vote via our Facebook page.
Thank you for helping Paris to unlock love !